Interview with Tim Russ, the Milky Way's Heart, and a Star Where It Shouldn't Be

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Read news from the world of astronomy for the week of February 4, 2022.
Latest News
Since its 2018 launch, the unassuming TESS satellite has found 175 confirmed exoplanets.

A new radio survey reveals a complex and chaotic galactic center teeming with supernova remnants, star-forming regions, and mysterious filaments.

There’s a massive star in our galaxy’s halo, far away from the usual star-forming haunts. How did it get there?

Observing Highlights
Venus vastly outclasses Mars for brightness this season. Mercury also surpassing Mars now, once it gets above the thick horizon air. The sky's biggest asterism is the Winter Hexagon. It fills the sky toward the east and south these evenings.

We journey to distant suns to look back at our solar system and see its place among the stars.

Download February’s episode pf our monthly Sky Tour astronomy podcast to explore the colorful constellations that surround Orion, the Hunter.

Tim Russ is best known for his role as Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager, but his affinity for space goes further than that — he’s an amateur astronomer, too.

Derrick Pitts and Nicole Nazzaro chat about their February 2022 Sky & Telescope article, "Derrick's Mission to Mars."

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